Tag Archives: BISALP

Sterilization by Laparoscopy BISALP

Let’s talk about permanent sterilization or getting a “BISALP”

There has been a lot of discussion lately on social media platforms regarding this. On Reddit/Facebook/Instagram there are many threads on “getting your tubes tied.” I would like to share my support and present reliable information regarding this on our website as well for you. 

I have placed my name on a list of physicians who are willing to perform sterilization procedures on women despite the number of babies they’ve had or their marital status. As always done in my practice, I will counsel you on all the options of contraception including the risks/benefits of female sterilization. We can discuss the option of vasectomy for your partner and where I would recommend to go for this outpatient procedure. We can discuss the option of placing a LARC contraceptive to help with heavy periods while also completing permanent sterilization if desired. 

If after our discussion about even the risk of regret and the usual risks of laparoscopic surgery etc, you would still like to have surgery, then I am happy to walk you through that process. I operate at Adventist Shady Grove Hospital. 

Please call and speak to my office staff if you would like to come in for a consult. You may bring a friend/family member to the consult for support if you choose. 

Here is a thorough FAQ list about permanent sterilization for men and women:


-Dr. Mishra